Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Release Me From My Suffering

I'm being so sure of my decision that i'm not ready for this. Wanna know why? Because, there's more that i need to study. And here comes Hari Raya. I wasn't prepare at all. For sure, i'm not celebrating Hari Raya this year. First, it's because PMR is just around the corner. Second, this nonsense thing is not over yet. And that's why my mom doesn't want to stay longer enough until end of school holidays. And seriously, you're a backstabber doe! Don't you have anything else to do than just giving a shit? You make me wanna throw up! I swear I'm sick of pretending to be nice to you! Can't you just get lost? Shame of yourself, saying bad things about others. You should see yourself in the mirror first before you insulting other people. People nowadays don't know how to be nice. Especially YOU! Yeahhh, let me spell it for you, Y - O - U ! get it? Don't be such an idiot!

Thanks for reading :D